Profile of Lairiel

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Profile views: 2998 Views
Member since: 05/14/2010
Last online: 157 months ago
Online time (30 days): 0 minute(s)
Online time (total): 11488 minute(s)
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Username: Lairiel
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Gender: female
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Seit wann bist Du Lady Gaga Fan?: uff... 2007/08 sowas =)
Deine Lieblingslieder von Lady Gaga?: Dance in the Dark, Alejandro, Telephone, Bad Romance, Monster, Pokerface...
Warum bist Du Lady Gaga Fan?: gute Lieder...
Beziehungsstatus: ...ich will kekse!
Interessen: Musik, Tiere, Familie, Freunde, Internet,... Katy Perry
Musik: Katy Perry, Lady GaGa, Rihanna, P!nk, Marina and the Diamonds, Evanescence, Jennifer Rostock,... House, Techno, Trance, Pop,...
Lieblingsfilme: Eiskalte Engel, Final Destination, The Twilight Saga...
Lieblingszitat: Trust is like a Mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can see the crack in the mother fucking reflection