Profile of Nadine_Savelo_Germanotta

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Profile views: 2579 Views
Member since: 11/13/2012
Last online: 145 months ago
Online time (30 days): 0 minute(s)
Online time (total): 22 minute(s)
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Username: Nadine_Savelo_Germanotta
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Gender: female
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Age: - Please login -


Seit wann bist Du Lady Gaga Fan?: 2008
Deine Lieblingslieder von Lady Gaga?: I love all of her songs! BORN THIS WAY, HIGHWAY UNICORN, PRINCESS DIE,...
Warum bist Du Lady Gaga Fan?: Gaga inspires me every day new, I love her music, She is so damn cute, Gaga was BTW, She showed us Monsters to be ourself and to be brave! I love Gaga!
Beziehungsstatus: In love with Tara! (;
Interessen: GAGA! Playing Piano, listening to music, singing, dancing
Musik: Gaga
Lieblingsfilme: Lady Gaga presents the Monster Ball Tour at Madison Square Garden
Lieblingszitat: Be yourself! Be inspiert by you! Love yourself! - Lady Gaga